Various Pattern of Water Hyacinth Woven Craft

Water hyacinth is a floating plant that is native to South America but is now found in many parts of the world, including Asia, Africa and Australia. In recent years, water hyacinth has become a popular material for weaving because of its durability and natural beauty.

Water hyacinth woven crafts involve braiding dried hyacinth stems to make various items such as baskets, bags and mats. Stems are carefully selected and dried to ensure strength and flexibility.

In woven water hyacinth there are several patterns that make the woven more beautiful. One of the most prominent patterns used in woven water hyacinth crafts is a checkered pattern. This pattern involves weaving the stems in a cross pattern, alternating between two different colors of hyacinth. This creates a striking pattern that is simple and elegant. 

Another pattern that is popularly used in woven water hyacinth crafts is a spiral pattern. This pattern involves weaving the stems in a spiral motion, which creates a unique and visually appealing design. Spiral patterns can be used to create various objects such as baskets and bags, and can be combined with other patterns to create more complex designs.

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